
;    Register usage



.DEF    PLO      = r0        ; product low

.DEF    PHI      = r1        ; product high

.DEF    BITP     = r2        ; bit pattern 0b1111_1000 for MOD_DIV10

.DEF    CARRY    = r3        ; carry    (binary), used for MUL, MOD_DIV10


.DEF    C205     = r4        ; constant 205 for MOD_DIV10

.DEF    C100     = r5        ; constant 100


.DEF    ZERO     = r6        ; constant 0

.DEF    TRUE     = r7        ; constant 1


                             ; NUM0..NUM3 can be the binary result of PRODUKT or any other

                             ; 24-bit number to be multiplied or to be converted to decimal

.DEF    NUM0     = r8        ; number LSB

.DEF    NUM1     = r9        ; number

.DEF    NUM2     = r10       ; number MSB


.DEF    LEADZ    = r11       ; mark leading zeros (when printing decimal digits supressing leading zeros)


.DEF    DEZ0     = r12       ; decimal digit 0

.DEF    DEZ1     = r13       ; decimal digit 1

.DEF    DEZ2     = r14       ; decimal digit 2

.DEF    DEZ3     = r15       ; decimal digit 3


.DEF    AKKU     = r16       ; accumulator

.DEF    AKKU2    = r17       ; dito

.DEF    AKKU3    = r18       ; dito

.DEF    DTMP     = r19       ; delay timer, temporary constant 10 (within factorial)


.DEF    STELLENL = r20       ; LSB of number of result digits (stellen)

.DEF    STELLENH = r21       ; MSB of number of result digits

.DEF    CARRYL   = r22       ; LSB of CARRY

.DEF    CARRYH   = r23       ; MSB of CARRY


.DEF    CNTL     = r24       ; 16-bit counter L

.DEF    CNTH     = r25       ; 16-bit counter H


                             ; registers 26..31 = XL/XH, YL/YH and ZL/ZH, used as pointers and counters

                             ; XH:XL holds the current FACT value,

                             ; YH:YL is the FACT loop counter,

                             ; ZH:ZL is the pointer to FArray


;    Subroutines



factorial:      ; calculate factorial FACT! in the huge array FArray (using almost all available SRAM),

                ; which includes the result terminated by EOT (0xff)


        ldi     zh,HIGH(EndOfText)          ; EOT location (start of AVR SRAM)

        ldi     zl,LOW(EndOfText)

        ldi     AKKU, $ff                   ; EOT marker

        st      z+, AKKU                    ; ZH:ZL now pointing to 1st entry of FArray

        mov     STELLENL, TRUE              ; STELLEN := 1 (even if no entry, important for

                                            ; increasing FACT counter)

        clr     STELLENH   

        ldi     DTMP, 10                    ; temporary constant 10 (within function factorial)

        ldi     xl, 1                       ; start calculation with FACT := 1

        clr     xh

        st      z, TRUE

        ldi     yh,HIGH(FACT-1)             ; decrementing loop counter for factorial calculation

        ldi     yl,LOW(FACT-1)

                                            ; now calculate factorial 1 * 2 * ... FACT

        ; for x := 2 to FACT do             ; this version calculates factorial incrementally

                                            ; (which is faster than decrementing)


        adiw    XH:XL,1                     ; FACT := FACT + 1 (which is 2)

        REPEAT                              ; the 16-bit FOR loop is handled by REPEAT-UNTIL using

                                            ; decrementing YH:YL, just FACT = XH:XL is incrementing

            ldi     zh,HIGH(FArray)         ; Z register is an increasing pointer to FArray

            ldi     zl,LOW(FArray)

            mov     CNTL,STELLENL           ; decrementing loop counter for 2nd FOR loop (STELLEN)

            mov     CNTH,STELLENH

            clr     CARRYL                  ; the 16-bit factorial CARRYH:CARRYL belongs to

                                            ; NUM2:NUM1:NUM0 (is different from the 8-bit MOD_DIV10 CARRY)

            clr     CARRYH 


            ;   Pascal code:

            ;         carry := 0;

            ;         for j := 1 to stellen do      // Index starting from 1

            ;         begin

            ;             produkt := FakArray[j] * i + carry;   // i = current FACT value

            ;             FakArray[j] := produkt mod 10;

            ;             carry := produkt div 10;

            ;         end;


            REPEAT                          ; multiply decimal digit from FArray[ZH:ZL] by XH:XL

                                            ; (current 16 bit FACT value), result in NUM2:NUM1:NUM0

                clr     NUM2

                ld      AKKU,z              ; take the next SINGLE decimal digit from FArray[ZH:ZL]

                mul     xl,AKKU             ; multiply by FACTL

                movw    NUM1:NUM0, PHI:PLO

                mul     xh,AKKU             ; AKKU still is the same decimal digit,

                                            ; now multiplied by FACTH

                add     NUM1, PLO

                adc     NUM2, PHI           ; binary result is not more than 20 bits

                add     NUM0, CARRYL

                adc     NUM1, CARRYH

                adc     NUM2, ZERO


                rcall   Bin16Dez            ; instead of DIV10/MOD10, convert 16 bit binary NUM1..NUM0

                                            ; to 4 decimal digits DEZ3..DEZ0, no AKKUs are saved


                st      z+, DEZ0            ; store DEZ0 (= PRODUKT MOD 10) in FArray and increment

                                            ; ZH:ZL for next entry, new binary CARRYH:CARRYL

                                            ; will become 100*DEZ3 + 10*DEZ2 + DEZ1

                mul     C100, DEZ3          ; 100 * DEZ3

                movw    CARRYH:CARRYL,PHI:PLO

                mul     DTMP, DEZ2          ; 10 * DEZ2 (DTMP is temporary = 10)

                add     CARRYL, PLO

                adc     CARRYH, PHI

                add     CARRYL, DEZ1

                adc     CARRYH, ZERO        ; now CARRYH:CARRYL is binary value of

                                            ; PRODUKT DIV 10 = DEZ3:DEZ2:DEZ1

                sbiw    CNTH:CNTL, 1        ; next FOR (STELLEN)

            UNTIL Z


            ; handle the decimal carry and update STELLEN ...


            ; Pascal code:

            ;     while carry <> 0 do

            ;     begin

            ;          stellen := stellen + 1;               // erst +1, dann Übertrag speichern

            ;          FakArray[stellen] := carry mod 10;    // Übertrag in die nächste Stelle

            ;          carry := carry div 10;

            ;     end;


            ; now store decimal digits DEZ3:DEZ2:DEZ1 (equivalent to CARRYH:CARRY) as additional

            ; entries in FArray[ZH:ZL] and update STELLEN ... (this method is much faster than

            ; any binary MOD_DIV10 due to availability of decimal digits)

            ; for factorials above 960! register DEZ4 is required (or use register CARRY instead)


                                            ; ZH:ZL points to next free entry of FArray

            IF DEZ3 <> #0                   ; check decimal digits top down ...

                std     z+2, DEZ3

                std     z+1, DEZ2

                st      z, DEZ1

                subi    STELLENL, -3        ; STELLEN := STELLEN + 3

                sbci    STELLENH, high(-3)  ; to do a 16 bit addition

            ELSEIF DEZ2 <> #0

                std     z+1, DEZ2

                st      z, DEZ1

                subi    STELLENL, -2        ; STELLEN := STELLEN + 2

                sbci    STELLENH, high(-2)  ; to do a 16 bit addition

            ELSEIF DEZ1 <> #0

                st      z, DEZ1

                add     STELLENL, true      ; STELLEN := STELLEN + 1

                adc     STELLENH, ZERO


                                            ; anything forgotten?


            adiw    XH:XL,1                 ; FACT := FACT+1

            sbiw    YH:YL,1                 ; decrementing REPEAT loop counter (originally FOR)

        UNTIL Z






        ; Convert 16 bit binary NUM1..NUM0 to 4 decimal digits DEZ3..DEZ0 and store DEZx in FArray,

        ; CARRY is equivalent to DEZ4 (if required), also update STELLENH:STELLENL and CARRYH:CARRYL

        ; algorithm according to http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/bcd/decimal.html:


        ;                     n

        ;     |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

        ;     |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|

        ;     |   n   |   n   |   n   |   n   |

        ;          3       2       1       0

        ; The value of the number can be expressed in terms of these 4 fields as follows:


        ; n = 4096 * n3 + 256 * n2 + 16 * n1 + 1 * n0


        ; In the same way, if the value of n, expressed in decimal, is d4_d3_d2_d1_d0,

        ; where each of d4, d3, d2, d1 and d0 are decimal digits, the value of n can be expressed as:


        ; n = 10000 * d4 + 1000 * d3 + 100 * d2 + 10 * d1 + 1 * d0


        ; Our problem then, is to compute the di from the ni without dealing directly with the

        ; larger number n.

        ; To do this, we first note that the factors used in combining the values of ni can themselves

        ; be expressed as sums of multiples of powers of 10.

        ; Therefore, we can rewrite the original expression as:


        ; n =

        ;   n3 * (4*1000 + 0*100 + 9*10 + 6*1) +

        ;   n2 * (2*100 + 5*10 + 6*1) +

        ;   n1 * (1*10 + 6*1) +

        ;   n0 * (1*1)


        ; If distribute the ni over the expressions for each factor, then factor out the multiples

        ; of 100, we get the following:


        ; n =

        ;   1000 * (4*n3) +

        ;   100 * (0*n3 + 2*n2) +

        ;   10 * (9*n3 + 5*n2 + 1*n1) +

        ;   1 * (6*n3 + 6*n2 + 6*n1 + 1*n0)


        ; We can use this to arrive at first approximations ai for d3 through d0:


        ; a3 = 4 * n3

        ; a2 = 0 * n3 + 2 * n2

        ; a1 = 9 * n3 + 5 * n2 + 1 * n1

        ; a0 = 6 * n3 + 6 * n2 + 6 * n1 + 1 * n0


        ; The values of ai are not proper decimal digits because they are not properly bounded

        ; in the range 0 ≤ ai ≤ 9.

        ; Instead, given that each of ni is bounded in the range 0 ≤ ni ≤ 15, the ai are bounded

        ; as follows:


        ; 0 <= a3 <= 60

        ; 0 <= a2 <= 30

        ; 0 <= a1 <= 225

        ; 0 <= a0 <= 285    Overflow possible!


        ; C code:

        ; void putdec( uint16_t n ) {

        ;     uint8_t d4, d3, d2, d1, d0, q;


        ;     d0 = n       & 0xF;

        ;     d1 = (n>>4)  & 0xF;

        ;     d2 = (n>>8)  & 0xF;

        ;     d3 = (n>>12) & 0xF;


        ;     if ( (6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + d0) > 255 ) { // overflow, only if n >= 49146 (own tests)

        ;         d0 = (6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + d0) & 0xFF;

        ;         q = d0/10 + 25;

        ;         d0 = d0 % 10 + 6;

        ;         if (d0 >= 10) {

        ;             d0 = d0 - 10;

        ;             q = q + 1;

        ;         }

        ;     } else {                               // no overflow

        ;         d0 = 6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + d0;

        ;         q = d0 / 10;

        ;         d0 = d0 % 10;

        ;     }


        ; prepare DEZ0 (d0) ... DEZ3 (d3), q is the carry from one digit to the next


        ldi     AKKU, 0xf

        mov     DEZ0, NUM0

        and     DEZ0, AKKU


        mov     DEZ1, NUM0

        swap    DEZ1            ; n >> 4

        and     DEZ1, AKKU


        mov     DEZ2, NUM1      ; n >> 8

        and     DEZ2, AKKU


        mov     DEZ3, NUM1

        swap    DEZ3            ; n >> 12

        and     DEZ3, AKKU


        d0 = 6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + d0;

        q = d0 / 10;

        d0 = d0 % 10;


    ;     if ( (6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + d0) > 255 ) { // overflow, only if n >= 49146

    ;         d0 = (6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + d0) & 0xFF;

    ;         q = d0/10 + 25;

    ;         d0 = d0 % 10 + 6;

    ;         if (d0 >= 10) {

    ;             d0 = d0 - 10;

    ;             q = q + 1;

    ;         }

    ;     } else {                               // no overflow

    ;         d0 = 6*(d3 + d2 + d1) + d0;

    ;         q = d0 / 10;

    ;         d0 = d0 % 10;

    ;     }


    ; calculate ((6*(d2 + d1) + d0) + 6*d3) to make sure that the carry (if any)

    ; happens during the last add instruction:


        mov     AKKU2, DEZ1

        add     AKKU2, DEZ2     ; d1 + d2

        ldi     AKKU3, 6        ; constant 6, until used by CARRY

        mul     AKKU3, AKKU2    ; *6 (d1+d2), LSB of result is <= 180

        mov     AKKU, PLO

        add     AKKU, DEZ0      ; now we got AKKU = 6*(d2 + d1) + d0) <= 195

        mul     AKKU3, DEZ3     ; 6* d3, result is <= 90

        add     AKKU, PLO       ; can overflow, but only if n >= 49146 (own tests)

        IF C

            MOD_DIV10           ; input: number in AKKU, output: number MOD 10 in AKKU,

                                ; number DIV 10 in CARRY

            ldi     AKKU2, 25

            add     CARRY, AKKU2    ; CARRY := CARRY + 25

            add     AKKU, AKKU3     ; DEZ0 := DEZ0 + 6

            IF AKKU >= #10

                subi    AKKU, 10    ; DEZ0 := DEZ0 - 10 (also: sub AKKU, DTMP)

                inc     CARRY       ; CARRY := CARRY + 1



            MOD_DIV10           ; input: number in AKKU, output: number MOD 10 in AKKU,

                                ; number DIV 10 in CARRY


        mov     DEZ0, AKKU

        mov     AKKU3, CARRY    ; AKKU3 is no longer constant 6


        d1 = q + 9*d3 + 5*d2 + d1;

        q = d1 / 10;

        d1 = d1 % 10;


        ldi     AKKU, 9

        mul     AKKU, DEZ3      ; result <= 135

        mov     AKKU, PLO       ; 8 bit are sufficient

        ldi     AKKU2, 5

        mul     AKKU2, DEZ2     ; result <= 75

        add     AKKU, PLO       ; + 5* DEZ2, result <= 210

        add     AKKU, DEZ1      ; <= 225

        add     AKKU, AKKU3     ; previous carry

        MOD_DIV10               ; input: number in AKKU, output: number MOD 10 in AKKU,

                                ; number DIV 10 in CARRY

        mov     AKKU3, CARRY

        mov     DEZ1, AKKU


        d2 = q + 2*d2;

        q = d2 / 10;

        d2 = d2 % 10;


        mov     AKKU, DEZ2

        lsl     AKKU            ; *2

        add     AKKU, AKKU3     ; previous carry

        MOD_DIV10               ; input: number in AKKU, output: number MOD 10 in AKKU,

                                ; number DIV 10 in CARRY

        mov     AKKU3, CARRY

        mov     DEZ2, AKKU


        d3 = q + 4*d3;

        q = d3 / 10;

        d3 = d3 % 10;


        mov     AKKU, DEZ3

        lsl     AKKU

        lsl     AKKU            ; *4

        add     AKKU, AKKU3     ; previous carry

        MOD_DIV10               ; input: number in AKKU, output: number MOD 10 in AKKU,

                                ; number DIV 10 in CARRY

        mov     DEZ3, AKKU

        ;mov     DEZ4, CARRY    ; if n > 9999 (DEZ4 required from factorial 960 or use CARRY instead)
